
Barns Lane Farm
Mewing Planning Consultants, in partnership with Barns Lane Farm Pty Ltd and Open Architecture Studio

Land of the Traditional Owners: Land of the Gubbi Gubbi People

Barns Lane Farm is an innovative, inclusive and diverse development combining a community-first approach within a rural context. The proposed design and built form respects the site’s context and the Sunshine Coast’s rural character setting whilst bringing together an eclectic mix of land uses in an innovative and contemporary way.

The judges were particularly impressed with the innovative approach to delivering a mix of land uses that stay true to the strategic intent for the land and a process that emphasised the importance of meaningful community consultation and collaboration, particularly in a location that has a very active and engaged community.

The level of engagement was fundamental to overcoming a history of community resistance and ensuring a positive outcome was achieved for a wide range of stakeholders with varying, and sometimes competing, interests. In addition to the farming and commercial aspects, the Barnes Lane Farm presents a community benefit that is much broader (and in some ways more tangible) than traditional ‘planning grounds’, as the educational and knowledge sharing aspects are a tangible and ‘living’ output.

Congratulations, Mewing Planning Consultants, in partnership with Barns Lane Farm Pty Ltd and Open Architecture Studio!

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